Our Blog

Discovery Services and breaking dependence from the Olsr plugin

Currently the eBrainPool client uses the Olsr routing messages itself for discovery. Our custom Olsr plugin sends out custom messages that signify the presence of an eBrainPool client on that node. This plugin also scans incoming mess...

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We've been very fortunate and honoured to have had the chance to interact with some really interesting people at the CCC 2011 and learn from them. We have had many questions with regards mesh, security, privacy and the best way forward and we thank everyone who has attended the workshop and helped s...

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We're back, but we'll never be the same again!!!

This is the most honest way I can describe our experience at the Chaos Communications Camp 2011. A meet up of ~3500 of the finest minds and the kindest hearts on the planet.

Yes there were a lot of interesting discussions, a lot of new technolog...

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